A little bit of me

Sofia is my name, like a queen of Grecia, not bad. I came to this planet in november 2, 1998, specifically to Santiago. All my life has been in La Florida, the best place to live in my opinion. 
I did study in Divina Pastora, a school ubicated in Trinidad station. School only for girls and catholic. Hard. 
(I feel -a little bit- like "Joven y Alocada" writting this post and speaking my religious education 666).

I've a big family, because my Tata and Yeye are from south. I did live with they, in their home, with my mom, her sister and brother. I dont know my dad, life things. But now, i live in other house with my mommy, my brother and my lil dog. Again don't exist dad at home, but we see ocasionally.

I let behind the catholic education and actually study journalism in the Universidad de Chile. not bad, really not bad. 

I'm 21 years old and i feel tranki and blessed. Too proud of me and my decisions. I have learned a lot in a short time. De pana -or great-.


  1. in november 2, 1998 = on November 2nd, 1998
    Past tense wrong:

    did study in Divina Pastora=
    I did live
    I did live

    Task Completion: 7 pts

  2. It's curious: you claim to have a named related to divinity and in fact you came from a school named "DIVINA Pastora". "May the goddesses smile upon you".


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