Journalism things

I didn't choose my career. Always i did like read and writte. The last it's the way i did found to explain myself. Different teachers tell me: "don't study journalism, it's bad remunerated", but my decision was taken.

I gave the PSU twice. The first time i did stay in USACH, but wasn't my first option. The second chance was victorious. ¡I did!, I did scream, and my boyfriend of that moment gave me ceviche to celebrate.

The experience has been a rusian rulette, like all in the life, with good, stressfull, bad and, even, love.

When i'll big, i wanna writte a book to empoderate girls. I don't like so much the journalism in Chile: limited, sensasionalist and yellow.


  1. I totally understand what you talking about russian rulette

  2. Fantastic, absolutely you're a passionate girl, luck whit your book, i would like read it

  3. I wish already reading this book! You are a woman that I admire so much <3


  4. I wish you the best, I hope you can make that book :)

  5. "i did like read and writte".= I've always liked reading and writing.

    Syill need to work out on the conjugations. Check recorded lesson on narrative tenses.

    Task Completion: 7 pts

  6. What kind of book do you wanna write? Is it Fiction?


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