Ecuador, a paradise

 Ecuador is the country where i think I will be happy. Since 2018 I want visit it, because the culture is very rich, the people is kind and have it very nice and touristic places. Its capital, Quito, is half the world. cool, no?

For different motives I haven’t made the trip, but the route is already. One of all the spots I want know is Cuenca. There, the architecture is amazing, an example are cathedrals, museums and ruins.

Also, Ecuador have a huge jungle. So, other place interesting to visit is Baños de Agua Santa. In this town, there some lot activities to realize in contact with the nature, like rafting; trekking to the Tungurahua volcano, different cascades, adventure parks and hot springs. I really want know the swing of the Tree House and see the mountains, clouds, feel the air on my face.

I would like live in Ecuador, without cold and seeing green in every place.


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