Quarentine Hobbies

 Well, how the pandemic and covid-19 life forced me –and all the world- to stay at home, the hobbies was my salvation. Dramatic, like me, but true.

When the quarantine began, I thought very much: in the covid, in my family and friends, in my career, in the future. I felt really bad. Waste my time in social medias, in sleep and eat. With the time, I started to be better. A lot of persons in Instagram started doing classes, among that yoga and twerk.

During the break of the university, I dedicated myself to that: move my body. After, I started a hard process of introspection. I worked with love, responsibility and patience on me. It gave good and satisfactory results.

Months later, the nation of the journalism attacked again –until today, please stop- and tests, works and classes occupied almost my time. But never I stopped dance.

Also, take care of my plants and cook vegan or vegetarian food were part of my hobbies. I also read, not much, I will be honest. Sometimes I played with Lucky in the square. I wrote a lot about everything aspects of my life, before; during and after the pandemic.

Has been a time to be with me. Thanks for that, Covid :-)


  1. It's fundamental to look out for our bodies! I started doing yoga during pandemic and I dropped like three months later because of laziness, but your post is kind of inspiring to go back :)

  2. Checked for completion and progression. Please check further comments in the last post.


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