
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2020

Expectations for 2021

Honestly when i read the question I thought: I don’t have any expectations for the next year. So, dear readers, are you ready to read many wishes without any previous thoughts? Here I go. I hope the Covid-19 disappear. I suppose that is my big expectation, wish and, even and dramatically, my appeal. Too big? I think so. Impossible? Maybe. But, whatever, it’s all I want. Now, being realistic, my expectation to 2021 are to be fine, or my best. I want to feel calm in all aspects of my life. I want to have good health, give and receive love, concrete my projects and have a good year in the university –if I don’t take a break-.  I want to affront the rial life, but hug my vulnerability when I needed. I want to have more time. I want to give me moments of calm and quiet, especially and really necessary to my mind, and my body too.  Also I want to open my heart to the people who I live to don´t want to be out when the quarantines starts again, also for not to feel alone in home.  I want to co

Quarentine Hobbies

  Well, how the pandemic and covid-19 life forced me –and all the world- to stay at home, the hobbies was my salvation. Dramatic, like me, but true. When the quarantine began, I thought very much: in the covid, in my family and friends, in my career, in the future. I felt really bad. Waste my time in social medias, in sleep and eat. With the time, I started to be better. A lot of persons in Instagram started doing classes, among that yoga and twerk. During the break of the university, I dedicated myself to that: move my body. After, I started a hard process of introspection. I worked with love, responsibility and patience on me. It gave good and satisfactory results. Months later, the nation of the journalism attacked again –until today, please stop- and tests, works and classes occupied almost my time. But never I stopped dance. Also, take care of my plants and cook vegan or vegetarian food were part of my hobbies. I also read, not much, I will be honest. Sometimes I played wi

Nathy Peluso, "the real reina papi"

 In March, 2018 Nathy Peluso did a concert in Chile, especifically in Subterraneo Club, Providencia. Until that moment, Nathy wasn't famous, or not at the level of today, so the club was little and I saw her very close. The concert was amazing. Nathalia Beatriz Dora Peluso was born in January 12, 1995, in Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a singer, dancer and songwriter, and she works with the urban and latin rhythms like rap, soul, trap, jazz, salsa and swing. She have one album (2020), one mixtape (2017) and one EP (2018). The atmosphere during the event was energic. All the people were dancing and singing very happy, they enjoyed it –me and my friends too-. All the concert I felt great, I was exciting for saw and hear her. I felt like in a “diva moment”. So, because of those feeling, when I went to the bathroom, I lost my coat L . That situation was bad, but the concert –and the beers later- was worth it.

Ecuador, a paradise

 Ecuador is the country where i think I will be happy. Since 2018 I want visit it, because the culture is very rich, the people is kind and have it very nice and touristic places. Its capital, Quito, is half the world. cool, no? For different motives I haven’t made the trip, but the route is already. One of all the spots I want know is Cuenca. There, the architecture is amazing, an example are cathedrals, museums and ruins. Also, Ecuador have a huge jungle. So, other place interesting to visit is Baños de Agua Santa. In this town, there some lot activities to realize in contact with the nature, like rafting; trekking to the Tungurahua volcano, different cascades, adventure parks and hot springs. I really want know the swing of the Tree House and see the mountains, clouds, feel the air on my face. I would like live in Ecuador, without cold and seeing green in every place.

My future job, a big maybe

  If I imagine in a job in some years, I would like me work with communities, with the people, ONG’s, popular organizations and their problems. I like the communitarian communication. I like the social role of journalism. For this, I wouldn’t like work in an office, quite the opposite: outside. One of the reason I chose to be a journalist was the versatility. The opportunities to develop in different jobs and aspects like radio, photography, massmedia, corporations, writer, teacher and more. And yes, I would like travel a lot with my job. I don’t want stay forever and ever in a place, I want know different countries, persons and forms to do the things. Travel to learn, especially about Latinoamerica. I would like have a major in feminism, specifically in gender studies, because I want realize workshops and classes, and in a future work with teenagers to fought against the patriarchy and its mandates, like Antonella Estevez. Maybe, someday I will write a book. About what? I don’t

Baby Lucky

I have a lil dog -or he have me? Good question-, is a brown dachshund toy, with manipulate brown eyes, big and soft ears and black and wet nose. My little brother Vicente, on his birthday number nine, request a pet. My parents, specifically my mom, didn't want, but finally they say yes. In March 18 of 2017, Lucky came house. The aunt of my brother, Francisca, with help of others members of the family they bought it. He was very, REALLY VERY LITTLE and sweet. It was a beautiful moment when he came walking, his little feet sounded on the floor and he slipped. When I saw it I did falling in love, I’m sure is true love because since that day, my life it’s very much happy. My grandfather, Luciano, had died recently and Lucky arrived with love to give me –to the family too-. He is my love, friend, son, refuge and loyal partner. Always be with me, even when i go to the bathroom. With my brother he fight, is funny, Lucky love me more.